PTE写作是PTE考试中的重难点之一,由于大部分学生都把注意力放在听力与口语上,备考中难免有疏漏,今天我们就从文章结构、基础语法等方面入手,为考生们介绍一下PTE写作题型Writing essays的技巧!
Some people prefer to spend their holidays in resorts where everything is organized for them and they take little interest in the country they are visiting. Others prefer to travel around the country and to see how the people live, to get to know their customs and traditions and cuisine.
Write an essay on which type of foreign travel you think is best for both the tourist and the local community.
(1)审题,确定不同理由(关于理由,考生只需要关注合理性,不必强求是否绝对真理)。比如:travel around the country可以提高当地经济发展。
(2)关于上述理由,属于推理的结论。只要能够证明该理由,即可说明travel around the country是好的旅游选择。但是该理由需要什么样的事实前提和推理关系呢?这应该是考生思考的重点!
(3)不难发现,要证明travel around the country可以提高当地经济发展,需要下列前提:游客当来会产生许多消费—举例证明—这些消费一部分增加了当地人的收入,一部分增加了税收 —一定程度上提高当地经济发展。
(4)所需词汇:expenditure, spending, picturesque scenery, souvenirs, tax revenue, boost the local economy,语法要求:简单句与非简单句的比例关系最好为1:3。
Traveling around the country is a very effective way for the local community to boost their economy. As more tourists come to visit the countryside, what attracts them is more than the picturesque scenery, but the local food and souvenirs are also a must-try recipe. For example, a great number of tourists keep talking about the unforgettable hot and spicy cuisine when they come back from Sichuan, a place known for panda seeing. The local people involved in the business have benefited enormously and, with some of the incomes going to the tax revenue, the local communities are often able to see a boosted economy.
以上就是PTE写作题型Writing essays技巧,除此之外,大家也不能忽视真题的训练,打好基础才能顺利通过考试。如果想要获取更多PTE考试成绩、PTE词汇量测试等更多信息,大家可以线上咨询我们或继续关注网站更新的文章!